Sunday, March 13, 2011

Generation Y

I fall solidly into the category "Generation Y." According to studies, my generation is achievement-oriented, we're team players (I've only met one person my age who escaped soccer youth boosters), we crave attention, and we are certainly tech-savvy. We grew up in the age of Internet, youtube, and online social networking. We are equipped with blackberries, laptops, smart phones, and the latest 'i' gadget apple is selling. Constantly plugged-in and connected we are inundated with information from sunrise to well past the sunset. The more I ponder the characteristics of my generation the more I think I'm a bit of a fluke. I hate technology, and technology definitely hates me. My 'dumb' phone (seeing as it's not a smart phone I've assuming it is less intelligent) confounds me. My netbook brings me to the brink of tears. I still do not  know the ins and outs of facebook-they keep updating it and I just can't keep up. Kindles and Nooks will destroy literature–I'm sure of it. Technological malfunctions can swiftly make me swear like a sailor and I frequently shock my friends with questions like "What exactly is the difference between DVR and DDR?" or "How do I put in the flash drive thingy?" I must be an exception. Just writing on this blog is a huge technological victory for me. (PS if anyone knows how to add a device that keeps track of the days starting March 9-June 4 on my blog please let me know!)

With a wealth of information at our finger tips and countless resources available to us we have become a generation of screens. The internet has been identified as the number one platform that pimps, traffickers and "johns" (buyers) currently use for buying and selling women and children for sex in the United States. An FBI investigation discovered that in 2008 alone, 2,800 ads of prostituted children were posted on Craigslist. The uncharted and unclaimed waters of cyberspace have become a digital brothel–exploited and abused young women and children are just a click away. How do we monitor such an impossible amount of data and information? How do we protect women from becoming victims of the impersonal, unblinking screen of a computer?  I don't have all the answers–in fact, I have very few. But I hope that as we search the web, check our facebooks, blog, and shop online–we are reminded of the precious women and children who are being marked for sale on websites like, and 

This story from The Polaris Project website broke my heart: 
"I was first forced into prostitution when I was 11 years old by a 28-year-old man. I am not an exception. The man who trafficked me sold so many girls my age, his house was called "Daddy Day Care." All day, other girls and I sat with our laptops, posting pictures and answering ads on Craigslist. He made $1,500 a night selling my body, dragging me to Los Angeles, Houston, Little Rock -- and one trip to Las Vegas in the trunk of a car. I am 17 now, and my childhood memories aren't of my family, going to middle school, or dancing at the prom. They are of making my own arrangements on Craigslist to be sold for sex, and answering as many ads as possible for fear of beatings and ice water baths.” – An Open Letter from MC to Craigslist. 

Here I am on day 5 of my One Dress Campaign Sorry I forgot to post pictures of my grey dress for days 3 and 4, but I promise I looked pretty much exactly like this!


  1. You are a modern day luddite among a digitally native generation.

  2. Wow. I am completely heart broken. I have no more words.

  3. Staggering and wretched statistics and story. I wonder what the "call to action" is for the ordinary citizen...

  4. Katie I have actually been called a luddite on several occasions! I have no intention of being so radical!

    Jennifer I understand the feeling. I wish I knew what the answer was or what was to be done.

  5. I recently read the book Disposable People by Kevin Bales... all in one sitting because I was just abhorred by what I read. Things I had no idea were going on.
    I'm living in Grenada (I'm from Ohio too) for 2 years while my husband attends medical school and I don't have a job, so I have been volunteering a lot and it breaks my heart to see how easily these children and teens can become one of the statistics. So many teenage girls here are mothers and they are kicked out of high school and not allowed to receive an education. Probably 75% of the time it was not their choice to have sex in the first place.
    Violence and sexual abuse is rampant.
    Thank you so much for what you are doing and the awareness I know you are going to create.
    Doing something like this in high school is commendable and you are an amazing woman.

  6. I just found your blog via Jennifer's... and i'm so glad I did. I'm so proud of what you're doing, sister. i'm following, and praying for you.


  7. Found your blog through Jennifer's and I just had to share a tidbit of what I read from both!

    I am truly wrecked at the thought of what so many go through and how our generation is falling behind in helping.

    But I am so inspired about what it is you have chosen to do. And I believe whole heartedly that these simple acts will not go unnoticed and without change!

    I'm glad I found your blog and I'm excited to follow you as well as stand beside you in the fight against Human Trafficking!

  8. Emily! Shalom girl! I found this page through a series of other blogs I follow, and I wanted to tell you how MUCH this means to me that there are other people besides me out there fighting. I live near Pittsburgh, and it has been my heart's dream to end human trafficking for 10 years. I am so glad that you are on board with this!
    Your heart is so OPEN to G-d and His word, you are truly beautiful!
    And good luck on the dress thing... awesome idea!
    HaShem bless you!

  9. Wow!! What a post! I also found your blog via Jennifer's. I'm definitely becoming a follower. Good luck on the dress campaign.

    God bless

  10. The Lord is rising a generation of freedom lovers.
    Thank you for being a leader in the movement!

